

BAD FRUIT is a site-specific performance curated under the umbrella of visual and performance arts exhibition “Sheltered Gardens” which took place at the premises of the Diomedes Botanic Garden, in the outskirts of Athens, Greece in 2022.

The work is a site-specific performance accompanied by an original music composition by Manolis Manousakis. Visitors are freely moving is space around the performers while listening to a shared sound score through headphones.
First implementation: September 2022

Bad Fruit is a take on togetherness as a body-smash. Two bodies as a cluster, morphing and rolling across the landscape. Indistinct body parts and identities merging into one-another like rotting fruit. Effort, constraint, beauty, hybrid, humans on the brink of extinction.

Choreography | Performance
arisandmartha |Aris Papadopoulos & Martha Pasakopoulou
Sound Design | Original Composition
Manolis Manousakis
Curated by
Kika Kyriakakou and VASKOS (Vassilis Noulas & Kostas Tzimoulis)

Soundcloud link to original composition by Manolis Manousakis as presented in the first attempt of the work in the end of September 2022.